Remember the TV series Friends? Monica and Chandler, Joey and Phoebe and Ross and Rachel all getting into situations and then gathering at Central Perk to talk. We’ll here’s The Nerdist’s take on how Friends would look like if it were set in today’s time.
I grew up in a house in the middle of a 10 acre cherry orchard. My parents were around 17 when they gave birth to me. So, when I turned 10, they were 27. They were my parents, but they were young people too.
That’s my sister in the center swinging her head to the Beatles. I’m the redhead to the right, behind my sister.
I tell you all this to explain why at all my slumber parties we were allowed to turn the stereo up to 10 and dance into the wee small hours in the morning. At my 40th high school reunion, they were still talking about those slumber parties.
Like you, music has played an important role in my life. I remember when we got the Beatles’ Hard Days Night album. In high school every dance had a Credence Clearwater Revival cover band playing. In college, I listened to Chicago, Peter Frampton and Boston.
When my son came along we couldn’t start the day without dancing to Heart of Rock-n-Roll by Hughie Lewis and the News, Every breath you take by The Police or Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen. Continue reading A premature eulogy for the music business→